
Look For A Place To Hide




6 Years
Extra large
07-28-2020, 11:06 AM

It was funny to find himself back here. After taking Poem back to her home in Abaven, Sparhawk had turned around with the intent to instantly return and collect more of the blue clay. He wanted to take a bunch of it back for the woman and it greatly amused him that he thought this way. Sparhawk had the feeling that Poem would make a great friend. Since entering these lands, he was the definition of a lone wolf. It might be nice to have a constant in his life. Someone that he knew was friendly and that he could see more than once. What better way to solidify a friendship than to take that person a gift?

Sparhawk was a little surprised to see a small woman hesitating at the entryway to the cavern when he arrived. She was very, very small. Much smaller than him, at least. Since he was going into the cavern, he might as well introduce himself, eh? At least he should make himself known. "Hello!" He called out in his deep tones. The brute continued to move towards the mouth of the cavern. The grizzly bear skin that held his supplies thumped rhythmically against his striped side as he walked.

Keeping a respectable distance from the woman, he stopped in the mouth of the cavern as well. "Is very nice in there." With his nose, he pointed towards the darkness. "You can come with me if you want. Collecting blue clay for pots." Resettling his pack, the red and charcoal man smiled. "Am Sparhawk, lady." His Russian accent was thick, but his intent was clear. He was just a friendly guy inviting a timid gal into a dark, unknown cave. With a wink of one red eye, he began the slow descent downwards into the cavern. The woman was in for a very nice surprise if she followed.


Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem