
Look For A Place To Hide




6 Years
Extra large
07-28-2020, 01:27 PM

The playful, mischievous side of Sparhawk grinned when the woman jumped. Hey, he was allowed to be a punk every now and again. After he introduced himself and began going into the cavern, she gave her own name. It was an interesting one, so he said it out loud, trying it on his tongue. "Aranea..." The man gave a nod after having said it. "Is good name."

The woman seemed amazed at the mention of blue clay and questioned him. "Blue clay." He reiterated. "Used to make dishes and pots." She went on to say that she was looking for herbs. The man made a contemplative sound. "Did not see herbs last time I was here. Am no healer though, so maybe you find." He didn't know if mushrooms and moss were important to herb collectors, but if they were, maybe she would find something down here.

The path down into the cavern was dark and winding. Sparhawk took his descent slow. Apparently a little too slow. Aranea bumped into his rump and the striped man made a small sound of surprise. Was she getting cheeky with him? Not that he minded, but at least warn a guy, eh? After clearing his throat and shooting a glance over his shoulder to make sure that she was okay, he continued on.

Once at the bottom of the path, the cavern opened up. The blue glow was more than bright enough to see by. Sparhawk shrugged out of his grizzly pelt pack, sitting it aside. Coming up beside Aranea, he explained the cavern, careful to keep his rumbling voice soft because of the echo. "The mushrooms glowink. Moss is soft. Good for sleepink on. The clay," he motioned to the hole where he'd previously dug some up. "Nice and soft. Good for molding." He brought his claret gaze down to rest upon her small frame. "You need help with herbs, you let me know." He then flashed the fae a winning smile. Sparhawk was just a good ol' boy these days.


Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem