
Teenage CIA 2: The Spyening

meadow / resin


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-28-2020, 04:03 PM
It soon became apparent that Hanako had made the right call, Meadow was a fountain of information and just as before once she'd started talking it was a little while before she stopped. With ears perked forward Hanako listened intently, nodding in all the right places as she picked apart the information that was provided, separating  the fluffy details from the need to know stuff. Hanako had to admit that she was surprised that Resin was not only a lady but a Lieutenant  too, did this mean that Sirius had a thing for women in positions of power?  Or was he simply doing it to break away from the norm? Either way the next pieces of information had Hanako leaning forward in interest as her gaze wandered to the east. She wasn't all that familiar with the eastern reaches of the territory but from what she could remember even to to the untrained nose the borders were clearly marked, with several scents layered atop one another to form the foundations of an impenetrable fortress.

Meadow could have left it there and Hanako would have still drowned her in affection and gratitude. But she continued on and went onto describe Resin's looks and one key detail that if taken advantage of could make this test a whole lot easier. Not only did Hanako make a note of that but she mentally underlined too, not once but twice till she was certain she wouldn't forget. Left not right. Idly Hanako wondered what it must've been like to lose an eye, but quickly snapped herself out of it and instead followed Meadow's line of sight as she pointed to the willows with a dainty little paw. And then like a cherry on top Meadow called her Hana and she just couldn't hold it back, business could surely be put aside for a second. If Sirius was watching he would've understood too, right?

"Nooo you've been so helpful! I knew I could count on you." She beamed, rearing up on her hind legs to give Meadow a wolfy hug, tail wagged so fast it was like a chopper trying to take flight."I gotta dash but I'll find you later,  maybe we can go collect some seashells?" That sounded like fun and something she thought Meadow would enjoy too.

Reluctantly she pulled away, though not before giving Meddie another noseboop for good measure. Resin was out there somewhere and whether she liked it or not Hanako was gonna listen real well  to whatever she had to say. With one last glance at her good friend, Hanako kicked off into a trot as she weaved through the long grass, barely shifting it as she made her way to the eastern border.
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