
Look For A Place To Hide




7 Years
Chrono I

07-28-2020, 04:26 PM

Her name was unique on his tongue and on the inside she felt a small bit of joy in it. She would hear his words but would focus more on her steps and the glow coming from behind him until they were in a better sight still distorted by the blue glow of the cavern. Her eyes scanned the walls and ceiling of the cavern, a little bit of amazement showing through her sad eyes. As he pointed out a few different things, Aranea would drag her eyes to each item mentioned. She moved closer to him to touch the moss with her nose and sniff it lightly, moving her attention to the dug hole with this "clay" he spoke of. Her head tilted in interest to something new but she was also wondering, "Do you come here often?" considering there was evidence of at least someone else here digging for this clay.

She'd turn to walk around and explore the small area of the glowshrooms, her nose sniffing them to see if they would be of any use but she sensed a sourness to them and decided it would be better not to give it a try. She'd come across some Salvia growing from a few cracks in the walls but she wouldn't bother to gather as she felt no more use of taking the hallucinogenic, in fact she preferred to stay away from it. As she turned to join the giant brute, she'd stop by to smell his pelt-pack, she'd seen many of odd things carried by wolves but having this pelt as an accessory she couldn't not feel impressed by it.

She'd wait by his pack, "I don't see anything useful for me here." referring to the herbs but she'd continue, "Did you want my help with anything?" She was rather friendly herself and she was realizing that this giant, scary look brute wasn't as scary as she thought. She only hoped during their encounter and in the mist of the blue glow, he couldn't see the hurt through her eyes. She didn't want to burden anyone or drag them down with her depression and the obsession over her past.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead