
Take me somewhere nice

Kestrel I


12 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
08-31-2013, 03:13 AM
Small ears twitched at the sound of something moving about. The girl hadn't been asleep, this past night she just couldn't. Deep green eyes peeked silently past her mothers tail, watching as two of her siblings made their way outside. Watching as the rest woke up, except for White Cloud...who just decided to curl up and sleep again. She glanced briefly at her mother, watching and feeling the panic that had gotten a hold of her before she had relaxed. She could only imagine how she must feel, she had to keep extra watch over them as best as she could...after all, their Father was nowhere to be found. She wondered what her Father looked like...she had often heard her Mother calling his name in her sleep, in dreams that often times would be real if they were true. She knew her mother missed their father...and she wondered if it was possible for her to miss someone she didn't know...she supposed not. How could you miss someone you don't know?

She decided to raise herself, stepping quietly over her mothers tail and making her way to the entrance. The colors were vibrant, the smell of sand and salt touched her nose as she neared the opening. She took a seat in the shadows of the opening, silently watching her brothers explore the outside of their den. A slight chill sent a small shiver through her, and her fur fluffed out a little against it. She watched them, thinking. They seem excited...they sound excited about exploring out there...maybe I should join them.

Little did she know that she was a mute...she was born with it yes, but never had she attempted to speak. Now that they were at an age where they could walk and explore, and now talk. But right now, she had nothing to say. Nothing she wanted to say really. She just simply wanted to sit back and watch her siblings outside while waiting for her mother and the others to rise.

OOC//Mouser, I thought the idea of them discovering she was a mute would be neat...but if you don't want that then i shall edit this lol lemme know.