
Large Pile of Sand

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-31-2013, 06:53 AM

Innocence was so tantalizing to him. It was not something he mentally recognized, but some kind of interest was sparked in the very core of his being as he watched the girl prance about. Oblivious to the danger that potentially lurked nearby -- to any threat of danger that might exist. He had never been so naive; he envied her for being so free. And yet where were her parents ... ? She was too young to be far from them. He sniffed at the air, finding the scent of other wolves strong in the area, and yet where they resided he was not so sure.

Finally she noticed him as he crept nearer. Her attention had been so captured by her task at hand that she hadn't noticed him until he stood before her. Basilisl watched as the child craned her neck, watching him with wide eyes. He had asked what she was conquering; she had answered, 'my new kingdom' A kingdom not built on blood and past, but of sand and starfish. A smile crept onto his lips, an eerie expression that revealed the white fangs beneath. The girl turned to return to her claimed sand, rather defensively, as though he might steal it.

Bright purple gaze swept around the area, finding no others nearby, but the smell of family was strong. Slowly he placed one paw in front of the other, approaching again, but maintaining a safe distance so if this girl's father suddenly appeared out of thin air, it would not seem like he was trying to hurt her. 'You look like you're strong. Want to be my knight?' A sharp laugh left his lips, but his expression faltered immediately after, and he grew serious again. "I am not the kind of wolf you want to be your knight," he explained gruffly, knowing she was likely too naive understand such things. "I don't think your father would approve..." A smirk appeared on his lips again as he considered what the girl's father's reaction would be to his small child spending time with a male that likely larger than himself -- but if only Basilisk knew...