
Carve your own path



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-29-2020, 08:35 PM

Ulric was perhaps just as surprised as Azure was when Sirius turned toward his son to see if the heir had any suggestions for how he would handle the situation. When he saw the wink that the alpha sneaked him the puzzle pieces came together in his mind. This was a test of sorts for the potential future leader of this pack. He kept his expression neutral save for the slight smile that pulled at the corner of his lips, not wanting to give away what Sirius was trying to do. Instead, he looked to Azure expectantly to see what the boy would come up with.

The solution that Azure came up with wasn't surprising, but it did make sense. Given the fact that he had claimed that he knew how to fight and had offered to prove himself already, he probably would have been shocked if Azure had wanted to do anything else. He gave the heir a small grin and a nod, replying, "Sounds reasonable to me." As he settled into a slightly widened, defensive stance, he took a brief moment to assess his opponent in the logical way his mind tended to work. Even though he knew Azure was obviously young, he was sure that anyone that was being raised to be the heir to this pack would certainly be getting fairly extensive training. There was also the fact that he was nearly as tall as he was already and also had a few notable mutations to contend with. He was sure those fangs could do a good bit of damage if Azure wished to do so.

Once Azure had been given a moment to prepare as well, he decided to take the initiative to make the first move. He wasn't hung up on the idea of needing to win - he simply wanted to show what he could do and prove that he could be a good asset for their pack. He wasn't sure what level of skill the rest of their pack was currently at so it was very possible that he wouldn't be able to stack up to them at all, but he wouldn't know until he tried. Ulric kept things simple to begin with, bounding forward with a few long, confident strides - moving fairly quickly despite his heavy frame in an attempt to close the distance between them. Without skipping a beat, he immediately went into his first strike by parting his jaws and reaching for the side of Azure's neck, keeping more toward the upper portion where he could potentially get his scruff if he ducked or his cheek if he pulled back. He didn't intend on biting deeply, just enough to gain control or maybe just startle the young man a bit. He also lifted his right paw in the same motion and attempted to hook it around the back of Azure's neck just to make it a bit more difficult to back away from him.

Ulric vs Azure for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Novice Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

"Speech" Thought