
Buzzing dangers, sweet rewards

Aslaug [spring skill prompt]



1 Year

07-30-2020, 02:06 AM

Elba grinned at her sister's confirmation that she liked the plan she had come up with and then set to work finding a sick for herself. She found one fairly easily and carefully carried it over to where the beehive was nestled. Creeping up to it, she tried to angle herself in a way that she could easily drop the stick and go running for the hills as soon as it fell. Now was the moment of truth to find out if all their preparations had been for nothing or if their mud armor would actually help protect them.

Once Aslaug was in place as well, she gave her sister a small nod and then lifted the stick up toward the hive. She started working the hive free of the tree, poking hard at there it was attached to the branch and quickly working down the side of it toward the trunk. The bees very quickly caught on to what they were doing and at first there was just a few of them beginning to swarm around the outside, but within moments the whole swarm seemed to be at the ready to attack. She started to get nervous but they were so close to getting it down that she was determined to do it. A few bees started to investigate them, buzzing around their heads and following the sticks they were holding to get down to them as well. The few that landed on them didn't seem to be able to do anything, but she wasn't sure if that was because of the mud or because they just weren't angry enough to try yet.

The second she saw it start to give she dropped the stick and said, "Let's go!" She bolted back toward the puddle they had gotten muddy in to begin with and dove back into the thick mud. She turned to look at the hive as she laid down in the mud, watching as it hit the ground with a thud. A small piece of it still stuck to the tree above and some honey dripped down from it onto the larger piece of hive that was now on the ground. The bees immediately went into a frenzy, buzzing angrily all over the place for a while. A handful of them came to where they were hiding, but the thick layer of mud covering their bodies acted like a kind of shield. Or maybe it blocked their scent so they couldn't find them? Or camouflaged them so they couldn't see them? She wasn't sure how bees operated, but it seemed to be working. Was there a more sophisticated and cleaner way to do this? Probably! Did she care? Not really! They had gotten honey and that's all she cared about.

After a while the bees seemed to give up and they dissipated, probably going off to build a new home somewhere else. Once she was sure they were all actually gone - or at least enough of them for it to be safe - Elba hopped up victoriously in a spray of mud, grinning widely at her sister. "We did it!" she cheered excitedly, hopping up and down in place a few times before racing over to the hive to see about collecting their prized honey. The whole thing was just packed full of the sticky substance and she couldn't have been more thrilled. "There's so much of it here! There's plenty to share!" She was already tryin to think of all the different ways she could use it with healing, but the biggest one she thought of was how good it tasted and how much better taking herbs would be with a little bit of this.

She gave the honey a quick lick and the sweetness immediately filled her mouth. Oh yes, this would be perfect! "Stay here! I'll be right back!" she said in a hurry before she ran off to where she remembered seeing some valerian root growing the last time she had been through here. Luckily the plant was still thriving so she gathered a small amount and ran back to where Aslaug was waiting. She certainly didn't need any valerian root at the moment, but taking a tiny amount to test her theory certainly wouldn't hurt her either. She sat and scooped a bit of the honey into her paw and mixed it with a small piece of the herb before licking up the concoction and sure enough - it tasted much better than it would on its own. Her head was buzzing like a bee with all kinds of ideas and plans and she was just so pleased with how it had all gone.

"How do you think we should take this back with us?" she asked as she looked up to her sister with a grin. They of course needed to get all of it home - it was way too much work to just leave it here!

word count: 824
total: 2127/1500 (check!)
