
make a house a home


"Helen of Koi"


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6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-30-2020, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2020, 02:10 PM by Hanako.)
It had taken her a while but Hanako had finally found the right spot for her den; a rocky outcrop that overlooked the beach. It was close to the sea but on higher ground so that it wouldn't flood every time there was a storm or when the tide rolled in. Nature had already done half of the work, providing a strong and stable den foundation but upon further inspection it became clear to Hanako that it still needed some work to make it liveable. The first and most pressing issue was the lack of space. As soon as she'd slipped inside she realised that beyond the entryway there wasn't even enough room for her to turn around, let alone lay down and get comfortable. With a curious tilt of her head she pawed at the wall and the dirt crumbled at her touch, confirming in her mind that with some digging this place would be perfect in no time at all.

Rather awkwardly, Hanako shuffled backwards till she exited the den and shook off her coat, freeing the specks of dirt that clung to her fur. More than anything she wanted to seek out Azure and show off her discovery, but she knew that he was awfully busy these days and if someone saw her being so...friendly with him it'd surely raise a few eyebrows. With a huffy little sigh Hanako plunked her rear on the ground, she knew that he'd stick to his word and help her out with the den whenever he saw fit too. She just had to be patient, that's all.
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