
Like Tinder... but for Shelby's Wolves



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-30-2020, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2020, 01:47 AM by Ulric.)
Nothing quite gets my muse going like a good romance plot. Now, this doesn't always mean it needs to be the sweet, lovey, love at first sight kind of romance. I'm very much a fan of putting my characters through a LOT so I'm open to pretty much anything. I'll give you some ideas and thoughts for what I'm thinking for each of my singles, but I'm open to suggestions! If you're interested in plotting with me for any of these guys please message me on Discord! I tend to miss replies on these plot pages!

Allegro Gøran Destruction
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Years
Orientation: Bisexual
Current pack: Abaven
Plot ideas: Allegro is going to be a super dedicated, caring sort of guy no matter who he's with. This could go toward your more loving sort of relationship that he could dote on them all the time or maybe it could be a more toxic relationship where he takes care of them all the time without much in return and gets blinded by love so he doesn't see it. I’m very open to suggestions for him since he’s still newer to me so I’m still learning his personality. He's not going to leave Abaven though so it needs to be someone that's either already in Abaven or willing to join.

Elba Kvasir
Gender: Female
Age: 1 Year
Orientation: Not sure yet!
Current pack: Valhalla
Plot ideas: She's still pretty young, but I'm down for any little crushes or some kind of long term courtship sort of thing. Family is very important to her so she's going to want to stay around Valhalla so she can stay near them. I'm not against her flirting with loaners or someone from another pack, but any long term stuff would need to be with someone willing to come to Valhalla. I'd be really interested in any ladies that might want to flirt with her a bit to get the idea in her mind that being with a lady could be a possibility. Yay character development!

Elise Amor Adravendi
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years
Orientation: Bisexual
Current pack: None
Plot ideas: Elise is my most promiscuous character at the moment and I’m open to just about anything with her. One night stand? Flirty, suggestive banter? Accidental pregnancy? Polygamous relationship? Trying to win her heart so she’ll stop sleeping around? Throw it all at me!

Nausicaa Myrrh Hellstrom-Lore
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Orientation: Bisexual
Current pack: None yet
Plot ideas: Honestly, she’s kind of an open book! I haven’t gotten a chance to play her much yet so she’s still able to be molded a bit depending on the situation. She’s pretty excitable, happy, and energetic on the surface, but she’s very smart and observant underneath. I’d be happy to throw her into just about anything!

Nolan Thorben Adravendi
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Years
Orientation: Straight
Current pack: Valhalla
Plot ideas: Nolan is a lovable dope that's going to fall pretty easily for any pretty lady that flirts with him. He's a romantic at heart and I will definitely want him to have pups down the road. He's still pretty young though so I'm certainly game for any little flirty threads just to see if they mesh or some more long term courting sort of things where they meet up several times and it develops on its own. He's a genuinely good guy that's probably going to worship the ground his mate walks on, but I could also kind of see that going in a way where he ends up getting used because of that. Or maybe they just live happily ever after! Whoever it is will have to live in or come to Valhalla or at least be in a pack that Valhalla is friendly with because he won't betray his family to be with them.