
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-30-2020, 07:11 PM

The dark man's large paws carried him through the metal shell of the ship that acted as a large focal point in Winterfell's territory. He had more or less settled in now that he had chosen a portion of the ship to use as his den for the time being. At some point he'd go out and hunt to collect a few furs to use as bedding since the metal flooring was quite unforgiving, but a home was a home all the same. It was the first time since he returned to Boreas that he would have a permanent place to call home. It was somehow comforting and confining all at the same time.

He made his way up to the top level of the ship where he could walk across the deck till he reached the railing that overlooked much of their territory. It was quiet around the pack today so it added to the slightly unsettling silence that lingered over the chilled tundra. He took a step closer to the edge so he could look straight down over the sheer drop and was actually a bit surprised at how high up he was. It was hard to have some kind of perspective of how far he had climbed when he was moving his way up through the inside of the ship.

A soreness had settled into his scarred shoulder over night and as he looked back out over the horizon he rolled it several times with a slight wince. Perhaps finding more comfortable bedding should be higher on his priority list.

"Perhaps if you had been a better fighter you wouldn't have that injury and then you wouldn't have to worry about having furs to sleep on. I suppose you'd rather have remedies than solutions though, wouldn't you?"

His neutral expression barely wavered as the condescending voice filled his head save for a slight tightening of his jaw and one ear flicking irritably. He was always so torn between wanting to be alone and the fact that his demons were always more vocal when he was by himself. The silence gave them room to speak and he despised it.

"Talk" Think