
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
08-31-2013, 09:55 AM

There was an aura about the purple stranger, something about him that made others want to run in fear. Maybe it was the innocent, na?ve nature of her puppy beliefs or it could have been that she didn't care. Either away, Odette wasn't afraid of the purple mass of a towering inferno. She had been waiting for his response, hoping that he would be the chosen one to guard her and the kingdom she had taken over. Although, maybe it wasn't such a great kingdom after all, despite the impressive height it had and the potential to be a wonderful place to rule.
She didn't let such thoughts enter her mind and at the male's refusal, she gave him a hard glare. In her case, it only made her look more cute and pup-like, but she tried not to let that get in the way. Instead, she huffed and her fur stood out in all directions. Odette marched her small form across the sand over to Basilisk, having quite a time keeping a sturdy foot on the unsteady ground. She looked around her and noticed a bit of a grassy knoll that stood out across the sand. The young pup climbed her way to the top so she was eye-to-eye with the male she had mentally dubbed as her knight in shining armor.
Mix-matched red and blue eyes met the dark purple opts of the dark-pelted male and her ears perked at his words. "How do you know you're not the type I need, mister?" She accusingly asked, small tail twitching in both directions. "You look like the kind I need. Not to mention, you don't speak much and when you do, it would be enough to scare any trespassers. I like that, and you don't have to worry about me changing my mind. I am the Queen, but I am fair. Everyone deserves a chance." Determination was in her eyes as she figured there was no way she could lose this argument.
His next set of words caught her offguard, but only for a minute. 'I don't think your father would approve...' She thought of Gargoyle and she reclined to her haunches. Her small gaze stayed with his and she sighed in defeat. "Papa doesn't know where I am, exactly," she freely admitted. "I told him I would be out in the sand, but, he should know I can take care of myself." The fire danced in her duo-colored eyes as she nodded to confirm her words. "He will be okay." She rose from her haunches and padded towards the side of the grassy knoll. Suddenly, the height of the hill looked taller than she had anticipated. Slowly, she turned her head to look at her newfound companion, anxiety in her face as she said, "Ummm...could you help me down?" Wow, the Queen of the kingdom and she couldn't conquer the height of her chosen mound of grass.



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