
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-30-2020, 10:44 PM

If it wasn't for the sound of claws clicking against the metal he may have never noticed that someone else had joined him on the ship's deck. One of his ears twitched back to listen, but otherwise he made no motion to show that he had noticed the sound. At first he just ignored it since he assumed other wolves in the pack also used this ship for various things, but when the sound of paws suddenly stopped somewhere behind him and left a long stretch of silence in their wake he decided he might be better off giving it a bit of his attention. What else was he doing anyway? Fighting with his own mind while he stared off into space?

Casso turned his head and looked back over his shoulder till his ruby and aquamarine gaze locked onto the frightened face of a pale, green eyed woman. He was quiet for a moment while he looked over her plush coat that very clearly was made to live in this sort of climate and the lovely shade of striking green that stood out against her otherwise simple frame. Green eyes were not a feature he saw that often which was probably what made them so interesting to him. He had grown used the the reds, blues, and golds of his family and the only time he had really experienced such a vibrant green was the male that his older sister Daelos had taken.

"Come, there's plenty of room around the railing for both of us," he rumbled, giving a small nod of his head to motion toward a spot beside him. It didn't quite click in his mind that he had been the reason for the fearful look on her face until after he had beaconed her over and he immediately felt a bit guilty for his intimidating, scarred appearance even though there was little he could do about it. "I didn't mean to frighten you," he added as he peered down at her, a soft smile pulling at his lips.

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