
Avalon babies for adoption [CLOSED]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-31-2020, 02:56 AM
Pup name: Chrystelle Ancora-Desrosiers

Design: Ancora 5 except I'll change the eye color from blue to amber

Appearance: Chrys is a a monochrome dame covered in a base shade of charcoal gray. There are a few, small white markings add a bit of lightness to her form - the paws of each of her toes, a splash in the middle of her chest, two small marks on each brow, the inner portions of her ears, and ending with the tip of her tail. There is also a unique diamond of white between her shoulder blades that is framed by the even more distinctive black markings. A stripe of black starts at the base of her skull and runs down the back of her neck, framing the diamond of white before running down the front of her shoulder blades and ending in another diamond like shape at the front of her elbow. It then continues down her spine to completely cover her haunches, thighs, and tail with only an oval of gray being left open on the outer portion of each thigh. Her eyes stand out as a singular source of color in all of all her otherwise muted color pallet, shining with a rich golden, amber color. Once she is at her full height she will rise to a strong 39" inches tall. Despite her taller height, she never quite fills in to the sturdy physique her mother carried. Instead, she will have a lighter build, eventually filling out to a medium once she fully recovers from an illness that plagued her as a child.

Personality: Chrystelle always seems far more mature than her age. She has a surprising amount of calmness for someone her age and seems to always try to approach things with logic and thoughtfulness. For the most part she is a pleasant, happy wolf to be around with a good head on her shoulders. However, there is an underlying seriousness that she brings into most areas of her life, including her studies, her relationships, and her commitments. She simply sees every moment of her life as precious and wants to make the most of all of it. This can sometimes hold her back from doing things that she doesn't deem as productive. Whenever other wolves around her are lazy or fall down on their commitments it is incredibly frustrating and disappointing for her. She holds herself to such a high standard that any short coming or failure can be extremely difficult for her to process and accept. Depending on how badly she messed up or how serious her mistake was, it can sometimes send her into a self-deprecating depression. She hates making herself this way. As she grows older and gains more experience she'll learn to not be as hard on herself and perhaps even let herself enjoy life more, but until then she has to learn the hard way that how she perceives "spending her time wisely" is just wearing her down more and more.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Potential plans/goals: My explanation for why she has been absent is that she fell ill with a lingering sickness that kept her bed ridden for a long time and has just started to get better as spring came around. I'm also thinking that all her time being being sick has inspired her to be a healer, especially since it kept her build from filling out properly, so I will probably have her skills be healer and intellect. I'd like for something to happen around her third or fourth year maybe to shake her up a bit and make her realize she has to stop being so serious all the time, but I haven't decided what yet. Maybe a love interest that leaves her because she spends more time studying and working than she does with them? Or maybe a death of a loved one? I'd have to see what happens! I'd have her stay in Winterfell for the foreseeable future, of course.