
The places we never should have left



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-31-2020, 02:51 PM

He gave a small, solemn nod as Acere explained how he thought he might have been the trigger for whatever issues Ignis was currently going through. From what his uncle was saying he couldn't tell if there was a deeper metal issue with his brother or just a resentment toward their uncle for making their pack fight a pack that one of his friends lived it. He could see how something like that could be the start for something more serious since fighting of any kind was usually a trigger of his as well, but that didn't necessarily mean it had. That was the difficult part with having close relationships with someone in other packs. You never know how they will cross or what will happen in the grander scheme of life. At the very least it was a small relief to hear that his sister seemed to be doing fine, but he wasn't that surprised by it if he was being honest. Daelos hadn't shown any of those issues either and it made him fairly certain that it was only the men in their family that got the worst of it.

Once Acere moved the topic to his official welcoming into the pack, he smiled a little and gave another nod of acknowledgement to his new title and position as a hunter for Winterfell. Making himself adjust to hunting with others more often was going to be a change, but he knew it was for the best in the long run. He was able to keep himself in check when others were around so perhaps it would prevent him from getting into the same mess he had with the coyotes and the bear. "I'll have to do a bit of exploring and see which option I like better for a den," he replied with a soft chuckle, a soft smile pulling at his lips. He was home. He hadn't imagined living this far north and hadn't expected to have his uncle as his new leader, but neither developments bothered him in the slightest. Simply knowing that he always had a place to come back to and somewhere that he could continue to improve himself was a relief enough on its own.

"Don't worry too much about Ignis," he added after a moment of thoughtful silence, trying his best to hopefully reassure his uncle even though he knew there would be no way for him to erase those worries entirely. "I'll talk to him and see what's going on." He got to his paws and closed the small distance between them to wrap his neck around Acere's in an embrace for a rare show of affection. "I'm glad to be home," was his parting comment as he stepped back again. "I guess I should go get settled in, huh? It's time to get used to pack life again."

"Talk" Think