
Bring It On In -Post Raid Healing-


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-31-2020, 03:37 PM

Once she had gotten well and clear from Arie's lands she had slowed her pace a bit and had taken longer than she had anticipated to get back to the plains she called home. It wasn't really until after the crossed their borders that she was able to stop with a heavy sigh. It had been their first raid since she became General and this loss had hit her hard. She usually saw losses as a way to learn and was typically never bothered too deeply by them, but something about this hurt more than she had expected. The worst part of it was that she really hadn't gained any knowledge of what she could have done better. The few attempts she had been able to make to try and work around that man's weapon had all failed, but she was certain that if she had tried to continue attacking him she would have ended up with far worse injures than she had.

The sound of voices pulled her attention and she looked up to find Iolaire, Meadow, and Dunkan. The healers had clearly been there waiting for the warriors to return. She padded toward them with a small limp in her step from the pain coming from her right shoulder. She hoped it wasn't anything more than some bruising, but she supposed only time would really tell. She went to Dunkan first, knowing that his loss was probably just as hard on him as it had been for her. She gave him a small, encouraging smile, saying, "Don't worry about it too much. Loosing is just part of it at times." Now she just needed to take her own advice. She looked to the healers in front of her and gave them both a small nod as well. "I'm alright. Don't waste any supplies on me." She went and sat off to the side to wait for the rest of the pack to return, already wondering how the rest of them were doing. They had numbers on their side it had seemed, but she wasn't sure how long that advantage would hold if more of them were knocked out soon.

"Speech" Thought