
I just wanna run like a child

for Theory



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-31-2020, 05:19 PM
She was young, he had to remind himself. What had he himself thought about such things at her age? He had yet to even meet Tyranis then, he had to guess. Love was far from the forefront of his mind. He'd still been figuring out who he was, and what he wanted out of life - but then again that was a journey that never really ended, no matter what age you were at. He let out another amused chuckle as she followed him out of the water, giving his coat another good few shakes. "Even if there are rules, I don't like following them. And yet here I am following Acere's," he added as an afterthought, grumbling as he switched trains of thought entirely. Being able to verbalize his frustration, even to a random female he'd just met, was weirdly cathartic. "I guess I just want a clean break, instead of having to sleep with one eye opening waiting for him to drag me back to his little hell. I know the pack thing probably suits you just fine but it certainly does not suit me," he explained with a roll of his eyes.

If she was still stuck on the whole conversation about love and gender, he had no clue. And though he'd made a vague effort to hit on her, the truth was that she was a bit too young for his tastes and she hadn't seemed overly receptive to his flirting anyway, which made his interest lessen quite rapidly. "Either way, I'm glad you kicked Winterfell's ass. Soon enough I'll be gone and you won't have to worry about any further trouble," he grinned, with all the cheekiness of someone who really didn't care if he was causing trouble for anyone in the first place. He highly doubted Winterfell would keep poking at Abaven anyway over this, so surely she was in the clear. "And maybe if you're lucky, once I'm a free man I'll come pay you another visit!"