
Guiding Wind

White Timber

07-31-2020, 08:26 PM
That voice, strong yet alluring. Something he was so very familiar with. It brought back so much love and fond memories, but in her voice was pain, confusion, hurt, perhaps even anger.
“I looked for you.”
Slowly he brought his head toward her, his good eye opening, and his lips twisting into a twitched grin, but as he saw the expression on her face and the pain in her eye, it faded away. Her words repeated in his mind: I looked for you. But he remained silent for now. He stood, water dripping from his rump and tail. White Timber’s face stayed stoic, calmed. His heart shattered all over again. Was their love gone? Was their past forgotten? Here before him stood the one woman he only ever truly loved.

He took a step toward her, and yet again the voice echoed: I looked for you. A jaggedly cropped ear flicked, his colossal frame moving to close whatever gap she hoped to keep between them. He stood mere centimeters from her, nose to nose, her hot breath rustling the strands against his neck. The silence which fell between them was a heavy blanket, and it drowned the rest of the world out around them.
”And I you.”
Thunderous tones rumbled as softly as they could, but White Timber was never good at having a quiet voice.

The golden eye searched her face a moment, before he took a chance, and ventured to embrace her. He moved forward, attempting to press his chest against hers, and snake his chin around her shoulders, wanting to pull her into a tight and well overdue hug. It was up to her if she accepted such an act or not, and he wouldn’t force it should she step away. But he had to try.
”How beautiful you are,”
He pulled away, tears threatening to well up in his eye, and now he let a smile slip. His voice was even softer now, gentler. He didn’t care if she wanted to attack him, kill him, love him, or walk away. He was just so happy to have seen her again, to know she was alive and well. That’s all he really wanted anyway. To see her flourish. She was his soul after all.