
Guiding Wind

White Timber

07-31-2020, 09:34 PM
For a moment, he felt his life hang in the balance. When they embraced and she stiffened at his touch, he wasn’t sure if hse was going to attack him or not. But then she relaxed into him, and it felt like old times came back to life. And when it was time to depart, she asked about their children. His eye fell from her face, and his snout lowered. His ears pressed against his cerebrum.
”I...I don’t know.”
He took another seat, for this was a conversation they needed to have.
”After that landslide, Resin, I tried. You know I wouldn’t ever just walk away from us, from our family, our home. I dug for them, for you. I screamed for you, for them. I got no response.”
He heaved a big sigh.
”I searched high and low for you. I don’t know what could have happened. But I tried.”
She had to know he would never just walk away from everything.

His good eye shifted back up to her, and his head raised.
”As far as our children, I can only hope they survived.”
He felt horrible. Like the shitty father he truly was. Like the worst sort of mate - or ex mate - in the history of wolf kind. He had failed them all, on so many levels. The guilt he felt weighed heavily on his shoulders. How could he not know? How could he lose his entire family? Such a pathetic excuse for a man. How could she ever love him again? White Timber would simply be satisfied if she shoved him away, only because he knows now that she’s alive. She smelled heavily of a pack, so maybe she ruled her own empire. How could he interfere now, after all this time? He wouldn’t ever dare intrude on the new life she had made, but he also wouldn’t turn her away if she wanted to rekindle things. But now he sat and waited for her judgement, fully prepared for whatever she decided.