
Care to spin a yarn?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-01-2020, 12:25 AM

He chose this place specifically because he knew that there would be a good selection of prey to choose from so he could get the materials he needed. After seeing a few wolves around with various types of armor and the like, Ulric decided he wanted to try his hand at making a piece himself. He imagined that he probably would not be very successful at it the first time since he didn’t know the first thing about making armor, but trial and error and all that. He at least could get past the point of hunting something that he could skin and get the materials so he could practice.

He happened to spot a pair of stray male mule deer that seemed to have moved into the grassy area of the prairie to graze. One of them had a moderately large set of antlers compared to the other and that was the one he had his sights on. Even if this trial run of armor wasn’t the one he ended up keeping and using, he still had an idea of how he might be able to use the antlers so that seemed like a worthy target. The other one would have been a bit easier to take down on his own, but he talked himself out of taking the easier route.

He was crouched down among a thicker patch of grass, letting his dappled fur act as camouflage while he watched them from a distance. He had been waiting for an opening and for the winds to shift so he could stay down wind. In the mean time he let his silvery gaze look around the prairie - ever so slightly hopeful that he might spot someone he could talk into helping him with his hunt.

"Speech" Thought