
Care to spin a yarn?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-01-2020, 10:17 PM

Even though he had been hoping to possibly pull in another wolf to help with his hunt, he had been skeptical that he would actually get that lucky. To his surprise his cousin came into view with perfect timing to join in on the fun. He gave Cairo a pleased grin when the blue eyed male crept up along side him. It felt like ages since he had seen him last, but in reality it had been a couple seasons at most. So much had happened since then it was hard to believe it had all happened in such a short time. To think when they first met he had still been on the hunt to find Philomena...

All of that was pushed to the back of his mind when Cairo asked about which of the deer he was targeting. He looked back toward their prey and nodded, pointing with one of his forepaws toward the slightly larger buck that had the noticeably larger antlers. "That one... I have an idea for the antlers," he explained briefly in the same low, quiet tone. The deer still hadn't noticed them so it seemed like his good like was continuing. To emphasize this, the breeze began to change directions till it was blowing toward them and effectively keeping them down wind. Now was as good a chance as any if they were going to make a move.

"I'll sneak around to that side... If you could spook that one toward me, I'll stop it and hold it so you can come make the last blow," he added, quickly summarizing a plan for them to follow. With that in place he gave Cairo another small grin before slipping away, keeping low to the ground as he moved around to the right where he could easily be in the deer's path once Cairo guided him away from the other buck. He found a spot where he would be fully concealed and then proceeded to wait for his chance to act.

"Speech" Thought