
I don’t even like this song



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-02-2020, 10:50 AM

The rustling from the bushes a short distance away made him easily pulled his attention and made him turn his gaze in their direction, his ears perking forward to listen. He had half expected a raccoon or some other small creature of that sort to come scurrying out from under them, something that could have possibly made its den hidden under the shrubbery, but instead a small wolf slipped out into the open and he gave her a surprised glance. She was nearly half of his height and drastically more slim than him in build. She was like the polar opposite of his over grown size in every way. From the state of her coat he could tell she spent quite a bit of time hiding in brush and things of that sort. She shook out her coat which did help matters a bit, but it still wasn't the well groomed state that he had grown accustomed to.

His pale, silver gaze met a single gray eye and he was automatically curious as to why she kept the other eye closed. He had met wolves in the past that were missing an eye or had some kind of damage to them, but then there were usually scars to go with them and as far as he could tell there was none of that around her closed eye. He left that curiosity alone for now though since it was really none of his business. It was really just an unusual observation if anything - as was the fact that her tail seemed to be missing. If nothing else she had certainly gotten his attention and shaken up his otherwise empty evening. That was just what he had been wishing for so he couldn't complain.

"Hello," he said in greeting with his deep, baritone voice after a moment as she continued to stand in silence and look in his direction. He turned to face her properly with a small, kind smile on his lips. He couldn't help but notice how slender she was, thin to the point of concerning him a bit. Even though she was a complete stranger to him he still couldn't keep himself from worrying a bit. It was trait that constantly nagged at him - the need to take care of anyone around him that needed it. "I'm Ulric. What's your name?"

"Speech" Thought