
Step by step




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-02-2020, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2020, 08:38 PM by Ulric.)

Large paws stopped at the edge of one of the more clear streams that twisted between the trees so that he could dip his head down to the water to take a drink. He had already begun to run through all of the potential options and possibilities of what he could do with the rest of his day. The weather was so nice that it felt like a waste to not do something with it, but at the same time when he wasn't with his family it felt like he just didn't have a reason to do most of the things he would normally do. He could hunt, but it didn't make sense for him to take down any kind of sizable prey without someone to share it with. He could practice his fighting, but he was at the point in his skill level that practicing on his own didn't do him much good. He could explore, but then he was in the same boat he was now with just being alone with his thoughts.

As he lifted his head another wolf's scent caught his attention and when he lifted his gaze his silver eyes connected with a blue gaze that seemed to be closely watching him. Surprise colored his expression as he looked at the young man that peeking around one of the trees at him. From what he could see the boy couldn't be much older than a year, but it was hard to tell with how he hiding. He had come across enough of his distant relatives at this point to be able to pick up on the similar notes that their scents all held so he could say with at least a moderate amount of certainty that this was indeed one of his cousins in some shape or form. The Adravendi family tree was so broad and spread out that felt impossible to actually trace back to see how they would be connected, but that had never really mattered to him. Family was family.

"Hello there," he greeted, offering the boy a smile. As if the scent wasn't enough of a sign that they were somehow connected, the young man had the distinctive blue eyes that he had come to associate with most of the Adravendi line. He hadn't gotten lucky enough to catch that trait, but he did have the molted browns which they seemed to share as well. "No need to hide," he added with a soft chuckle as he padded a bit closer, his tail wagging gently behind him. "I'm going to take a stab in the dark and guess that you're an Adravendi. Am I right?"

"Speech" Thought