
I don’t even like this song



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-02-2020, 12:56 PM

His question was met with silence, but he didn't mind. He waited patiently as the seemingly one-eyed woman's attention began to drift, first looking over his shoulder for something - what she was looking for he couldn't guess - and then off toward the color filled sky. He didn't question her or what had pulled her attention away. Instead, he waited and watched her with an odd amount of curiosity. She was so unlike anyone else he had ever met that it made him uncertain of how he should respond. He settled down onto his haunches and waited for her attention to return to him or for her to wander off. At this point either option seemed just as plausible. He wondered what was running through her head that had captured her attention so tightly, but there was no way for him to tell.

Eventually her gaze popped back to him with an expression that he could only describe as apologetic. He gave her another smile and continued to wait as her ears perked forward and she opened her mouth as if to speak - only to close it again without answering. Perhaps she couldn't speak then? Or did she simply did not want to? It was a problem he hadn't encountered before, but one he was content to work around as long as she wanted to linger around him. The whole interaction was so entirely different from any he had been in before. His family as a rule was very vocal and forward with their emotions and intentions. The lessons his mother had instilled in him on behavior and how he presented himself to the world were deeply ingrained and sometimes felt like a play he had to put on with certain wolves. It made him wonder life would be like if he hadn't been trained to act with this certain air of responsibility and regality.

"That's alright," he replied to her motions showing she either wouldn't or couldn't answer his question. He didn't press her about it or question her to understand if her inability to answer was by choice or ability - he just accepted the fact and moved on. So she couldn't give him verbal replies, but perhaps she could answer things with a nod or shake of her head as long as they were formatted in a way that they could be answered with a yes or a no. "I was just thinking about trying to find some dinner. Would you like some? I don't mind sharing with you."

"Speech" Thought