
Buzz buzz... Ahhh!

Motif [spring fighting prompt]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-02-2020, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2020, 03:40 PM by Tamsyn.)

A moment after she came to the surface the woman she had followed to the pond popped up beside her and she was glad to see that they had both escaped the onslaught of bees without much harm done. She felt bad that this other woman had gotten tangled up in it to begin with, but she was still grateful for the help. There was a strong possibility that she would have ended up in a much worse position without her. "Thank you for your help," she told her after the beat she had taken to catch her breath a bit. She stayed there treading water for a few moments more just to make sure her attackers wouldn't come back around for another go at her before she finally began to paddle back to shore. With a huff she walked out of the water and on to the shore, water dipping off of her in buckets and leaving her fur slicked down to her body.

She gave herself a hard shake to try and rid her coat of as much water as she could, but she knew it would still be a bit before she was dry again. Ah well, better to be wet than covered in dozens of bee stings. She turned to face the other woman with a thankful smile, dipping her head apologetically. "Thanks again... All I did was accidentally swat at a bee that got close to my nose when I was checking out a hive I found back there and apparently that made me enemy number one for them." She had certainly learned her lesson if nothing else. She was still curious about the honey that was hidden inside that hive, but she wasn't entirely sure it was worth the risk. Perhaps if she knew a better way of going about getting near them she might try it, but without that knowledge it seemed awfully risky.

A thought dawned on her and she tipped her head curiously to the side as she looked at the woman again. She had a striking resemblance to a woman she had met early on in her days when she was first getting settled in Boreas. It was a little bit more difficult to tell by scent since they were both drenched, but it seemed similar to what she could remember. "You wouldn't happen to know Theory, would you? I met her a long time ago, but you really resemble her."

WC total: 1705

"Speech" Thought