


08-31-2013, 11:53 AM
set before disbandment

A devious smirk caressed the child's velveteen lips as her elongated limbs propelled her lithe form beyond the evident borders of her mother's kingdom, skull swiveling in the direction of where she suspected the dappled tyke resided in relation to her own position. Curiosity wracked her diseased mind as her mismatched gaze met his lavender, wondering whether or not the scenery that encumbered his vision impressed him or left him with a strong urge to flee to their mother's secondary domain, hoping against the latter. The pallid babe desired her presumed sibling's approval of Tortuga's domain to influence a migration out of Ludicael and into Mount Volkan with the majority of the Elysius bloodline, for she found herself favoring his companionship although few words ever vacated his mouth and he did not appear to share her affinity for combat like the remainder of her siblings had. Regardless of their contrasting appearances and personalities, this was her sibling and the viper would be damned if she allowed him to live without her presence as he had been since birth, so convincing him to stray from Ludicael was imperative.

Former lackadaisical posture shifted into immaculate poise befitting of a sovereign as her mother's intoxicating aroma flooded her olfactory system, predicting that mother and child would intercept paths in a few moment's time, pace growing sluggish and tentative with anticipation. She drew back some so that she was now adjacent to her dappled sibling, muzzle tipping towards him to confirm that they were approaching their porcelain object of pursuit. Pupils scavenged for the minuscule imperial through the labyrinth of vegetation that enveloped Tortuga's domain, locating the pallid form of her mother, perched upon the smooth face of a boulder and consumed by slumber, a good few meters away from where they stood. Looking back towards the brute beside her, she cocked her head in the direction of Morphine to indicate her success in finding the woman, paw-pads kissing the lush grass adorning the earth as she sauntered closer to their mother. Halting behind a dense bush, she turned back to face Oberon, gesturing for him to maneuver closer to her so that he may receive a better view of their mother. "There," the babe informed the male as her muzzle inclined towards Morphine, vocals a mere whisper so as not to wake the sleeping sovereign. Amethyst and metallic eyes swept back to greet his countenance, eager for a positive reaction from her lost sibling.