
I don’t even like this song



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-02-2020, 11:02 PM

After a few more beats of what felt like comfortable silence, he watched as she got up and began to move closer to him. Since she seemed to be studying him in some way he remained still and continued to sit on his haunches so she could make whatever observations she hoped to see. A lingering smile remained on his muzzle while he waited, watching her curiously as she moved. He noticed how her ears flicked with apparent nervousness and he wondered if she was just nervous about the interaction in general or if it was something specifically about him that made her worry. He knew his size could be off putting to some and it was one of the reasons that he was always so overly kind to make up for the frightening warrior he was built to be.

It wasn't until she looked to him with an expectant head tilt that he finally smiled a little more and got to his paws. "Off we go then," he commented before turning his silvery eyes forward toward the path ahead of them. There were a few areas around here where he knew prey would be, but he hadn't been entirely sure where he would take her until he began to move. With how she had first reacted to him he hadn't really been sure if he would even get this far with her so he hadn't planned out what he would actually do if she accepted his offer. He followed the smaller river that led away from the bottom of the falls, this one far more calm than the rapids that fed this water source. He had considered attempting to fish for her, but it was quickly getting dark and he was hardly ever very successful at it in broad daylight. He just didn't have the quickness and gracefulness it seemed to require.

Instead, he followed the water until he finally spotted what he was looking for. There had been a small family of whitetail deer moving through here as of late and he spotted them in the distance, seemingly getting one last drink before they returned to their thickets for the night. There were two does and he knew one of them would be more than enough food for the pair of them. He led her off to the side where the trees were a bit thicker so that she could hide where the deer wouldn't be able to see her. "Wait here," he told her quietly before slipping away through the bushes, giving the deer a wide birth so they wouldn't catch on to his presence until he was ready for them to. He used his dappled, brown hued fur to blend into his forested surroundings, creeping as close as he dared before he finally launched himself toward. The does didn't notice him until it was too late and made it easy for him to get a firm bite on its front leg. The other sprung off into the night white the one he had chosen to be his prey got tripped up by the bite he held her by and fell hard to the ground. He pressed one of his large paws into the base of its neck to hold it still just long enough for his jaws to relocate from her leg to her throat to end things quickly - cutting off the bleating noises it was making in protest.

With his successful hunt finished, he slipped his head under the small doe's side and rolled its body onto his back so that he could carry it back to where his quiet acquaintance was hopefully still waiting. Once he reached their designated spot, he let the deer slip off of his back and fall to the ground beside him. His eyes scanned for the small woman and he smiled a little when he spotted her again. "Dinner is served," he commented before setting to work getting a piece of the meat free for her. Once a decent portion was torn from the corpse for the both of them he stepped away from it, moving a few paces away from where the deer laid cut open. He placed her meal in front of her, adding, "There's plenty to be had if you're still hungry after this." He wasn't sure how often she actually had a decent meal and if he had anything to say about it he would at least make sure she did tonight. He took a few steps away from her before settling down with his own meal so that he was sure she had enough space to be comfortable with him.

"Speech" Thought