
I don’t even like this song



3 Years

08-03-2020, 07:13 AM

as he stood, she took a step back to allow plenty of space to move. unsure if she was going to be in the way, she wasn't always sure how much space she left between things before bumping into them or getting stabbed by angry branches. she'd follow him, a few paces behind without any issue. lagging into a slower pace once she noticed the size different in their foot prints. her attention would draw to them, tasked with placing her paw in the center of his print. she would succeed a few times, before picking up her pace to not get left behind.

moving along the path, she was interested in the sounds that rose into the darkening air. the pretty colors were starting to fade, and she wondered what they wound find to eat. her steps kept her close, her muzzle neatly placed within range of his hind legs. she kept enough to not offer any means to startle him, but hovered in such a way to remind she was there. how was she to help him hunt? she was took a small creatures, bunnies were her favorite.. always making her run for it, making her blood stir in the movement. would he want fish? she could catch those, but she'd have to catch many in order to fill his stomach.

her ears rolled against her head in thought before the scent of deer made her nostrils flare. twisting her head up into attention just as he uttered instruction. she complied, lowering herself out of sight. but she would inch forward to get a better view. she had seen her brothers hunt before, at a much younger age they would take turns collecting small animals for her. she learned and mimicked while catering around her blindness. watching him creep across the distance with skill. was this difficult for him? closing in on the distance while remaining quiet, he was so big.. how hard did he practice? she was able enough to get close, but tearing it down would mount for more then she could handle it.

when he approached, she slithered around of the bush to make herself seen. she didn't hurry forward, watching him tear chunks of meat out, bringing one to deliver within her space. she wouldn't take it until he moved to his own piece. in fact, she would wait until he took a bite himself. a paw would drag her chunk towards her, light colored fur easily stained by blood as she greeted it. a faint wiggle of crooked stump made her hind waggle in her visible excitement.


blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby