
make a house a home


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-03-2020, 01:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2020, 01:44 PM by Hanako.)
Azure wasn't wrong, Mortis had been real friendly and welcoming. Even though things had taken a bit of a dip in the tree house Hanako still really liked the idea of spending more time with him and hoped that the confusion between them had worn off by now. Her opinion hadn't changed, even after she'd had some time to think about it, as far as she was concerned Mortis had gotten all worked up over nothing. Like he was scared of the dark and jumping at shadows. But it didn't really matter for now, did it? Azure hadn't asked for details so in following his lead she was quick to let it go as well.

Hanako's ears perked at his question. She hadn't seen it coming and honestly she wondered what had caused him to go down that line of thought, she hesitated for a long moment before nodding. Toshie kept her company and was even helpful sometimes but not in the ways that Azure described. Just from looks alone it was easy to see that he wasn't much of a fighter and he couldn't even speak so it wasn't as if he'd be helpful as a messenger either. He was fairly small and pretty quick on his paws, not to mention that... Well, he wasn't exactly a sneaky sort of animal, so who in their right mind would suspect a creature as fluffy and as oblivious as him to be up to no good? No one, that's who. But beyond all that, Hanako had a sinking feeling that he'd want very little to do with her missions. After all, why would he want to spy when he could sleep?

"Mm, I have Toshie, a raccoon dog,  but he's not the most...helpful. I might need another one." Her smile was sheepish, even if she didn't really mind his quirks. It was all part of his charm and she'd very quickly become fond of her little tanuki friend.

Her gaze wandered to the horizon again, watching as the gulls hovered on the ocean breeze and her smile grew wistful. She often wondered how one was supposed to go about gaining a bird companion but she liked the thought of having a friend in the sky.
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