
Evening Breezes [Ulric]



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-03-2020, 06:19 PM

The festival had far surpassed all of his expectations. It seemed like him taking Cairo's description of what the festival would be with a grain of salt had been a mistake since it was everything he had said and more. He had never seen tents like this and all of the music and activities... Even with all the traveling he had done in his life, none of it really seemed to compare to how large all of this seemed to be. It had been overwhelming at first since he had grown so used to being on his own or with just a handful of wolves at most. After a while he had begun to grow accustomed to the crowds and the noise and had even begun to have a bit of fun - something that had certainly been a rarity for him for a large portion of his life. All the same, he tended to linger near the outskirts of it all and simply enjoyed watching things happening around him. It was a spectacle that had become a show in its own right.

His gaze caught a glimpse of the glowing figure that had addressed them at the beginning of it all. If he hadn't been surprised by how large the festival itself had been, he certainly was taken aback by the Spirit's glowing, ghostly appearance. It had only gotten more striking as the darkness of night fully settled in. It made her stand out like a bright, shining beacon among everything else around them. He watched her from a distance for a little while, hesitating before finally getting himself to his paws and slipping through the crowds to head toward her since she seemed to be alone for the time being. "Aurielle," he said to her in greeting in his usual deep, rumbling tone. He offered her a smile and dipped his head politely to her once he stopped a couple of feet from her - close enough that they would be able to hear each other easily, but not so close as to intrude her personal space. "I just wanted to thank you for putting all of this together and introduce myself since I haven't had the chance to meet you yet. I'm Ulric. Cairo was nice enough to invite me to your festival the last time I saw him."
