
I don’t even like this song



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-03-2020, 07:22 PM

While he ate the portion of meat he had sectioned off for himself he couldn't help but glance up at his would be dinner date occasionally. He was both confused and intrigued by her at the same time. He knew all too well how someone was raised could greatly influence and shape how someone ended up being in the rest of their life and, while he didn't know this for certain, he had a strong suspicion that there must have been something that caused her to be this way. It made him wish he could read her thoughts so maybe he could get a better picture of what had led her to his point. The various scars around her body hadn't gone unnoticed by him and he could only imagine what had happened to her tail to make it into the short nub it was now. She was a mysterious enigma that went against everything he had ever known about how wolves behaved and acted.

The worst part was that he had no way of knowing that she would be okay once they parted ways. Clearly she had managed to at least keep herself alive thus far, but he couldn't say she was well cared for. Something pulled him to help her even though he had no relation or reason to. When he felt like his niece was in trouble, he had rationalized his anger with the fact that she was just a pup on top of the fact that she was his own blood. This woman was a stranger to him, but he still felt the same sort of anger toward whoever it was that had done this to her. For most of his life he had made himself a caregiver, mostly out of necessity to make sure his family members were cared for. Ever since he left them in the pursuit of forging his own path and figuring out what he wanted out of life he was admittedly feeling even more lost than before. Helping her made him wonder if perhaps his whole purpose in life was meant to be a caregiver of some kind. A protector.

He licked his lips and paws clean once he was finished and looked to the small pale woman again with a soft smile. "Would you like some more? Did you have enough to eat?"
