
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-03-2020, 07:57 PM

The fear in her seemed to be much more deep seated than he had expected. If anything he had just thought that his unexpected presence had been the cause of it, but no, even with his invitation to join him and his purposefully calm demeanor she seemed just as startled and nervous. His two toned gaze lingered on her curiously all the same. He'd never met someone who was so meek and soft spoken. All of the women in his life had all been strong, independent figures in all their endeavors. Even his mother had been able to stand up to his father and subdue him at times in her own way and by all intents and purposes he still pictured his father as the most intimidating wolf he had ever come across. To see this woman so afraid to even approach him told him that there was something much deeper going on than just his slightly off putting appearance.

"I'm sure," he assured her when she questioned his invitation, motioning again with his muzzle to the spot beside him. Even once she complied and approached him, she still kept her distance and her eyes remained turned down and away from him. She had his full attention, the landscape now dulled in comparison. Something about how she continued to hide her striking gaze from him sparked a small sadness and something that bordered on irritation deep in his gut. They were captivating and he hated how she seemed to feel like she had to keep them averted from him. Quietly, he stood and padded closer to her, closing that gap that she had left between them. He lifted his left forepaw and used it to gently lift her chin, turning her head to face him till he was able to look down into her eyes again. "Don't hide your eyes like that... it's a waste of their beauty," he told her before letting his paw slip away. He eased himself back onto his haunches while he assessed her again. "What's your name?"

"Talk" Think