
I don’t even like this song



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-03-2020, 11:55 PM

He waited till he got his answer in the form of her shaking her head and he nodded in understanding, giving her a smile. "Alright then, that's fine." He shifted his eyes back to the remains of the deer and added, "I'll find a spot to leave this so you can have some more later if you'd like." He certainly didn't need it and with the wandering and traveling he had been doing lately he hadn't really stayed in one place long enough to justify keeping this big of a kill. If he stayed here tonight perhaps he would have some more in the morning, but at least she would have another solid meal or two from this. That made him feel a bit better, knowing that she would have this to eat on for a little bit.

Ulric grabbed the doe's two front legs between his teeth and drug the deer away from the main part of the clearing, moving it this way instead of the way he had before to keep from getting the blood all over him. It was nearly pitch black out at this point, but he was at least able to find a dry spot at the base of a tree near by to lay out his kill for later. It wasn't the best solution to keep other preadators from finding it, but it was the best he could do in a pinch. If it was still earlier in the day perhaps he could pull off pieces of the meat to dry them so they would keep better... All things that he definitely hadn't planned on doing with his evening. None of his plans had involved finding a woman that he felt compelled to help, but here he was and he was attempting to make the best of it.

With that task done, he turned back toward the unnamed woman and took the few steps it took to cross the small distance he had created, stopping at the point that seemed to be a comfortable distance for her. He refocused on her face just in time to see her looking off to her left as if she had just been startled by something. It made his hackles prickle nervously and his silvery eyes darted off into the distance at her left, searching the darkness for whatever it was. He had fully expected there to be some kind of threat there, but after several moments of looking and listening he didn't find anything there. He looked back to her face again, seeing the odd change in her expression and how her ears had falling back sadly. His ears flicked in a similar sort of fashion, his brows pulling together with worry. If only he could see what was happening in her mind so maybe he could understand...

The large male settled himself on his stomach across from her so that he would be more at eye level for her. He was careful to still leave a bit of space between them since he didn't want to make her nervous, but he still wanted to be close enough that they could see each other more easily in the dark. He was quiet for a moment, trying and failing to find the right words to say. He personally hated when anyone showed him pity of any kind so as a general rule he tried to avoid doing that to anyone else as well. It was hard to do with someone so obviously hurt in some sort of unseen way, but he was trying. He was careful to keep his expression fairly neutral, only giving her a soft, warm smile instead. "Why don't I tell you a little bit about myself?" he asked, the idea sparking in his mind and at least giving him something to say. "Maybe you'll feel a little better if you know me better." It was a long shot, but he was trying.

He started trying to think of facts about himself, pausing briefly between each one. "Well... I have one sibling - a sister. Her name is Philomena. Our mother is Roza. She lives in the continent south of here with my sister and two nieces - Nausicaa and Memento..." He paused again, trying to think of things that might be easy, interesting things to digest. I was harder than he thought it would be and he realized that he wasn't really sure what his identity was without his family. "Um... I'm a pretty strong fighter. I don't usually like it very much though - not the way some wolves do. I'll do it if I need to or to protect someone or just for practice, but I never really want to hurt anyone... I hold my own when it comes to hunting, but I've always been terrible when it comes to anything dealing with healing." He smirked a little at the memories of the few times he had tried to learn bits about it here and there, but all that information about herbs and remedies just rolled right off of him.

After another beat of silence he started trying to think of something that might connect them - something he had that she also had. He thought of the long scar that marred his cheek and remembered the few scars she had scattered over her. It was a bit of a stretch, but it was something. He turned his head a bit so she could see, pointing to is left cheek with one of his paws. "I got this when I was fighting my sister. I thought she wasn't doing all that she could to take care of her youngest daughter and when I criticized her we ended up getting in a pretty bad fight... Memento was hurt and I wanted Philomena to take her to the nearest pack for help, but she kept insisting that they wouldn't help. I guess I just... I pushed her too far." He shrugged and looked down at his paws. It was something that he had come to terms with, but it still made him wonder if he and his sister would ever see eye to eye again. It had certainly put a pretty deep rift in their relationship if nothing else.
