
Bring It On In -Post Raid Healing-



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-04-2020, 01:58 AM
Listening as Tamsyn explains about the metal pot, Meadow nods absently as she does the examination. When the General winces at her ministrations, the small wolf grimaces in sympathy and says softly, “Sorry, it will be over quickly.” Meadow nods her understanding about the weapon and, when she steps back and asks if Tamsyn wants Meadowsweet, is not surprised by the answer. Bowing her head in respect to the General and her thanks, Meadow offers Tamsyn a smile and says, “Well, rest here and drink lots of water. I want to see at least two bowls gone before you leave. Now, I am going to go check on Io and the other patient. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call for me.”

Whenever she steps into her healer role, Meadow can seem to become stern. Her statement about the water left no room for argument and she only does it because will be best for Tamsyn. Looking at Mortis, she motions to the winged wolf to follow her as she moves out of earshot of the General. Lowering her voice, so the warrior hopeful cannot hear them, Meadow asks him, “Would you help me keep an eye on Tamsyn? If she shows any signs of great discomfort, get my attention. If I have to, I will convince her to take the Meadowsweet. I will leave a container of water here, just refill her bowl when she needs it.” She hopes he will agree and gives him a big smile. As she moves to check in with Iolaire, Meadow aims to bump her head against his leg.

The happy demeanor takes on a more serious tone as she approaches the pair. When Io asks for her opinion on the wound, Meadow moves closer to the male wolf and inspects the wound. The gash is open and bleeding slightly but there are no signs of redness around it that would indicate infection. Stepping back, she announces, “It is a small laceration that, while not very deep, is still bleeding. However, it does not look to be infected. I recommend cleaning it out and applying some Horsetail to stop the bleeding.” Luckily, she has some of the plant in her bag and, when Io agrees with her, Meadow looks to the wolf and says, “I am going to get some water to clean the wound and the herb to close it. I will be right back.” before moving off to gather the necessary items.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm