
make a house a home


"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-04-2020, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2020, 01:51 PM by Hanako.)
Hanako's mouth popped open in a surprised little o. Try as she might she just couldn't imagine Azure at a festival, moving amongst the heaving crowds and enjoying the atmosphere or the hustle and bustle. Surely as prince it would all be rather beneath him, or at the very least not worthy of his time. But it seemed as though she was wrong and she didn't know him as well as she'd thought, or rather-and this made her heart skip a beat- he was willing to push all of that aside just to spend time with her. Azure posed it as a question and not an order this time, but the result was still the same because come on, why on earth would she deny him? Her tail began to wag in fast, excitable sweeps as she stepped closer with a bounce in her steps.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, perhaps a little too eagerly. And then as if she suddenly remembered her manners she cleared her throat and spoke again with a more appropriate tone and volume.  "I would like that very much, Your Highness."

She was pretty sure he wouldn't mind, after all could he really blame her for being excited to spend even more time with him? Perhaps she was nudging things in a wrong direction, speaking out of turn and place when really all she needed to do was serve him dutifully. To her credit though she was only so bold because he seemed to tolerate it, like it even, if at any moment he demanded a change in her behaviour she would bow to his will without hesitation. Maybe that wasn't the right foundation for...whatever their relationship could be called, but Hanako was very happy as things were. Besides, as long Azure was content and his wishes fulfilled then who was she to complain? She wanted his attention for as long as he'd give it to her, hopefully he'd keep being so generous from here on out.

"I've never been to a festival before, I'm sure there'll be a lot I can learn." She said, with a casual flick of her tail. Which was her way of saying regardless of how much fun there was to be had she'd take it as a chance to have a nose around for some info too.
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