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08-31-2013, 01:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2013, 02:16 PM by Taurig.)
The pretty little wolf was out in the middle of no where having an epically good time! She was just about to turn one year old, so she decided she better start acting more mature. Which totally meant taking adventures right! Resnera treaded through the snow on top of the sand and smushed her toes into it giggling. Her head popped up then in an excited movement when she realized she hadn't really been paying attention to what was around her. Bright blue eyes scanned the horizon and every knook and cranny she could find.

Satisfied that no one was there she went back to playing in the snow. She rolled about in it creating little snow wolves! Wouldn't it be great if there was more snow where she was from? Of course it would! Who could disagree with that. Stretching out in the snow, she made sure to work her aching muscles from her long journey. She had never been this far away from home, but obviously sneaking away from Daddy was worth it.

Flipping over onto her stomach, she jumped up to her feet. Resnera was one of those wolves that could make even the most ridiculous actions seem fluid and lovely, just like a ballerina. Really though her playing in the show was not the actions of a dumb blonde so to speak, but of one who wanted to experience everything and anything with her time here on earth.

A pleasant smile graced her lips as she was about to move on with her adventuring, but she stopped in her tracks when an unfamiliar scent graced her nostrils. "Oh," Her bright blue eyes went wide and she would have blushed if she could, "You didn't see that did you?" Not really knowing where the scent came from she seemed to be talking to no one in particular.