
Seams wear thin




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-04-2020, 06:53 PM

With his mind and senses throughly over sensitized from the Valhalla festival that he had attended, he felt like the only thing he wanted right that moment was a bit of quiet. It had been an interested, over all entertaining time, but still a bit much for the stoic giant. Instead of heading back toward the mangroves and hot springs, he took a slightly different path and began heading north. Since the mild weather of spring had set in it meant that the northern climate would be a tad more welcoming than it normally was. It was a change of scenery at the very least and a chance to see some sights that he hadn't seen hundreds of times

The roaring, crashing sound of a waterfall pulled him toward the water feature with a mild curiosity. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen waterfalls before - they were fairly common formations around Boreas in their various forms and sizes - but it didn't make them any less interesting. It was getting to be late in the afternoon so it also wouldn't hurt to begin finding somewhere he could settle for the night. The waterfall slowly came into view, the sound of it getting louder and louder as he approached. His eyes followed it up to its peek and he felt himself tipping his head back further and further to do just that. It was certainly one of the tallest waterfalls he had encountered, that was for certain.

As he stopped at the pool that had formed at the base of the waterfall to get a long drink of water, the scarred man couldn't help but think about his sister and mother and nieces. They always seemed to wander into his thoughts when he was alone. He had made his peace with the fact that his over concern for his niece's well being had possibly burned that bridge between him and his sibling, but he continually thought of them and missed them. He hadn't thought that he would since he had set out with such a deep hurt in his heart, but that had proven to not be true. The dappled male lifted his head with a sigh, looking up at the waterfall again and watching as the slowly setting sun began to paint it with pale hues of peach and orange. There was still a couple hours of good daylight left so he could have kept going if he wanted, but this seemed as good a place as any. There was some forested area around him that he could camp out in for the night so for now he settled on his haunches and continued to watch the water thunder over the edge of the cliff ahead of him and let the sound drown out his own thoughts.
