
I don’t even like this song



3 Years

08-04-2020, 07:20 PM

he wasn’t going to eat more? he was big, did big wolves not eat more? did he eat more when she was too busy with her own portion? he even spoke of leaving it behind, tugging it off in a direction to stash it away. she wouldn’t follow, nor would her head turn to watch him. deciding if food was there when she grew hungry, she could find it.

her mind was pulled from ru sending it down a spiral when she felt him near, the tension in her calming as she focused on him. noticing the distance between them wasn’t much different than what she originally settled. a part of her was pleased, but also disappointed. the smile he gave her again, brought her concern towards his cheeks. did they grow sore carrying such an expression?

with the night darkening she’d usually scurrying into hiding, her brighter coat making it easier to pinpoint in the dark. plus, life became much harder for her with the lights out. forcing her to rely on sensitive hearing to get by. as he began to speak, she focused on him once again.. but grew concerned about the night around them. she would listen, but her body would scoot forward. careful steps taken in case a warning would be issued that she had gone too far.

keeping to his right, she settled in close. if he so desired to poke her with his muzzle, she was freely within range. but she would not touch him, finding the idea of snuggling in next to someone, odd. others didn’t touch her, not yet. giving him her good side, gave the bad to the wonders of the night. placing an ounce of dependency on him seeing the danger before she. relaxed, ears perking at the topic of scars.

i have those.. scars. i have lots of those. excited chirp within her head, perhaps too excited over a comparison she understood. the wiggle that started in her hind would stop, noticing how his expression changed. scars were sad. she knew that, this scar was sad for him too.

without a thought, her head lifted up towards his. set and determined to issue a lick across the scar. if his head would divert away she would simply miss. the goal was to offer comfort, remembering the happy feeling she once had. did he want comfort within this moment? she didn't know, but it made the most sense to her. luckily for him, no remains of dinner had been stuck between her teeth. after her completed task, her head would venture back into its own space, tips of ears slightly perked in case he didn't like the idea.

after a moment of unsure silence, her maw parted. "farrah." rasp of unused voice, loud enough to deliver what he asked of her. my name.


blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby