
Seams wear thin




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-04-2020, 09:10 PM

The time slowly slipped away around him, sending the shifting colors in the sky into deeper and darker shades of orange, red, and purple. He hadn't intended to sit here by the pool for the rest of the evening, but with nothing better to do with his time he couldn't get himself to rise and do anything else. It was peaceful enough so he didn't entirely mind. If anything it was a nice way to unwind and relax after the unexpectedly hectic festival. The waterfall proved to be a lovely backdrop for the changing hues and colors as the day sunk into night and the darkness began to creep in around him.

Just as he was about to get up and go looking for somewhere to get some rest when a firefly suddenly entered the corner of his vision. It caught his attention and pulled his silver eyes away from the falls. He watched it float through the air curiously, noticing as a few more joined him and added a subtle glow to the air along with the light that the moon and stars provided. It pulled a soft smile to his lips as he watched them, more and more of them seeming to appear as the night began to fully set in. It was a lovely, peaceful way to end his time here at the falls - even if it was quite unexpected. He pulled himself to his paws with a soft sigh, but before he could actually make a move to leave he heard a voice from behind him.

The cheery voice made his ears perk with surprise and when he turned around to see who it was that had greeted him he was met with a woman that was marked with gray and black. What caught him off guard was the skull that obscured her features made her far more mysterious and perhaps even a bit spooky with the darkness around them. At first he wasn't sure what to say or do in response and it wasn't until she dipped her head to let the mask fall away that he was sure she wasn't some sort of ghost or figment of his imagination. The thing that had really startled him was the fact that she had seemingly come from nowhere since he hadn't heard her approach. That was unusual for him since he was usually so alert, but he was sure he had the sound of the falls to blame for that.

"Oh, hello there," he finally said in greeting, chuckling softly to himself as he gave her a small smile. "Sorry about that, you startled me a bit there." He padded a bit closer so that they could hear each other a little easier over the roar of the falls, but he was still careful to leave a comfortable space for her. She was a good bit smaller than him and he knew just how intimidating his size could be at times. "I wasn't expecting to see anyone else out here, but this is a pleasant surprise," he added, his smile widening a bit with friendly warmth now that he was able to fully see the pretty woman he was speaking to. "I'm Ulric, by the way. What's your name?"