
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-05-2020, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2020, 12:21 AM by Casso.)

The larger man considered her for a moment with his head tilted slightly to the side when he heard that she had never thought of her eyes as beautiful. It was painfully obvious that complements of any kind were not a common thing for her and that saddened him greatly. As terrible as his father had been at the end, he had at least worshiped his mother and treated all the women in their family well as far as he could remember. It was something that had stuck with him and that he had taken to heart. This was even more strongly reinforced by the fact that his mother had practically raised him on her own for a large portion of his childhood and all of the wolves that had helped him with his mental issues had been women as well.

Yurei. If nothing else that was a name that was going to stick with him for quite a while. He wasn't sure how one wolf could make such an impression on him in the span of only a few minutes, but she had managed it. She looked away from him again, her shyness seeming to make it impossible for her to look him in the eye for longer than a moment. It made his ear flick with a flash of completely irrational irritation and disappointment. He was certain that her behavior was not entirely her fault, but now it would be his personal mission to bring her out of this shell... if she had any desire to be around him again. "Casso Praetor," he replied with a small, polite dip of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yurei."

Lifting his paw to her chin once again, he turned her gaze up toward his again. This time he held her there for a moment, giving her a firm, meaningful look. He tried his best to get his point across without scaring her, but with as easily spooked as she was it might be impossible. "Don't look away so much. Confidence is far more attractive and appealing than meekness." Now that he was able to see her unique, vibrant gaze again he let his paw fall away from her lower jaw as a slight smile found its way onto his lips again. It was such a striking and unusual color that it felt like such a shame to hide it from the world. "Isn't this better? To be able to see others when they're talking to you?"

"What's so special about her, hm? Why are you suddenly so invested in making sure she breaks those bad habits? She's not blood, she's not part of us. You won't even make her one of us would you?" His expression remained unchanged as the demons stirring in his mind decided to rear their heads, filling his mind with their voices. Only a slight flick of his ear showed that he gave them any attention or reaction. He had grown so used to them now that he could usually listen to their quips and criticisms without letting it show when he was around someone else. Sometimes he slipped... but not today.

"What happened to make you so fearful?" he asked, refocusing his entire attention on the snowy woman in front of him so he could shove the voices to the furthest reaches of his mind. It was perhaps a deep and loaded question for a first meeting, but it something that was nagging at him and something he just had to know.

"Talk" Think