
I don’t even like this song



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-05-2020, 01:32 AM

He noticed when she began to move, watching as she moved closer till they were laying side by side. He had been careful to keep talking as she did it and not move from the spot he had originally chosen so he would disrupt the progress she was making. It almost felt as if he acknowledged what she was doing then he might spook her. Perhaps that was just a thing that he mistakenly perceived, but he wasn't sure he wanted to test it. There seemed to be a careful amount of distance between them so that they were much closer than they had been while still not touching. In the short time they had known each other, he had started to pick up on what was okay and what was not and could tell that this was a big step for her to take. It touched him in a way he didn't expect and he gave her a proud smile once she had settled in her new spot beside him.

The way her ears perked when he brought up the topic of scars didn't slip past him. His attempt at finding common ground seemed to have worked. Good, that made him happy. What he had missed, however, was how her visible excitement had ended once his gaze had fallen dejectedly toward his paws. By that point his own fears and shortcomings had begun to distract him. He wasn't sure how long he would continue to blame himself for how things went with Philomena. He imagined that guilt and anger probably wouldn't go anywhere until they were finally able to make their peace with each other, but he wasn't sure when that would be. He wasn't strong or brave enough to face her and he wasn't sure that she even wanted to mend that bridge even if he did make an attempt to do it.

An unexpected show of support and comfort shocked him and made him blink with surprise as his small companion licked the scar that he had just finished explaining. He turned his head to look at her with widened, surprised eyes as she leaned back away from him again. It was a silent gesture, but one he understood all the same. Being with her tonight had taught him a lot of things - most notably he had learned that there are much more ways to communicate than with words. He smiled and gave her a small, thankful nod in response. It had been just enough to pull him away from the spiral of his own thoughts which was exactly what he had needed. He considered reaching over to give her a small lick in return, but he worried that might cross some kind of line and he didn't want to push his luck. He wasn't sure what made him so determined to gain her trust and at this point he was too far in to think about giving up now.

What shocked him the most was the soft rasp of her voice when she finally told him her name. His ears perked forward immediately toward her to listen, storing the name away carefully in his memories. Farrah. The question he had asked when they first encountered each other had finally been answered. His tail wagged and thumped lightly against the ground as he grinned in response. He'd never been so happy to learn someone's name before, but this wasn't just any greeting was it? This was something that had been earned and he was happy to have gotten to this point. "Farrah... That's a lovely name. Thank you for telling me."

It really had gotten quite dark out and he knew that at some point they would have to part ways, but he couldn't help the nagging feeling in his gut that she needed help. He was sure that a lot of that was just made up in his mind, but he still had to be sure all the same. For a moment he was quiet while he tried to figure out the best way to ask his question. "Farrah, do you have anyone around here? Any family or something like that?" Just leaving her out here on her own felt wrong... but he knew he didn't have a permanent home here for her either - at least not yet. He'd feel better about it if he knew she had some family or someone that could help look out for her, but if her current state told her anything then he could guess that she most likely didn't.
