
make a house a home


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-05-2020, 01:12 PM
Hanako thrummed with excitement as she nodded. The petty, impulsive part of her wanted to stomp down a paw and demand they go now, but that thought was so fleeting that it didn't even have time to settle before Hanako shoved it aside with a subtle wrinkle of her nose. Who was she to demand anything from a prince? Sure, it was obvious she'd gained his favour and perhaps even his affection but that didn't mean their dynamic had changed. He was still her superior in every shape and form, surely if she started acting out of turn like some prissy princess it would ruin everything. Like stomping all over an ant hill then wondering where it had gone. Besides, two days wasn't even that long she was sure she could rein in her excitement till then, she'd just have to keep herself busy in the meanwhile.

Hanako didn't need to be told twice. She laid down beside him in her natural, go to position: with her back legs tucked in whilst she extended her front ones. Her tail curled around the side, covering her pink and black paw pads. She'd only just settled in and gotten comfortable when Azure posed her a question she didn't expect. She turned a little, head tipping to the side as she considered his words and wondered where this was coming from. What was it with the Fatalis princes and asking questions that seemingly came from no where?

"It was just small talk, mostly. He told me about the history of the Ashen Empire and that led him to asking about my past." She sniffed at that, remembering how he'd gotten all worked up other nothing. "I told him about my Keepers and he just...I'm not sure, took it really badly? He was so serious, insisting that I was a slave." She stressed the word, her offence crystal clear. "And then after a bit he just let it go and things were okay again."

Whilst she was rather fond of the winged Fatalis there was no point in saying so aloud, she didn't want to dangle it in front of Azure's nose like bait. There was enough of a rivalry between the brothers as it was, she didn't want to add more fuel to the flames.
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