



5 Years
Extra large
08-31-2013, 02:08 PM

He could feel her becoming more comfortable with him, her body posture relaxing ever so slightly, but still the defensive stance would remain. This child was not stupid. She knew it was better to be on one's toes rather than let a potential attacker catch them off guard. Even though he presented no danger to the young babe, he would allow her to stay on guard until she felt that she was in no danger from him. Artemis Elysius. She would finally introduce herself, her name completely unfamiliar to him, though he supposed that it fit her. My mom?s queen of Alacritis, but we mostly just stay in Tortuga, ?cause you can see everything from there. She would continue on, stating that her dam was the queen of Alacritis, revealing that her pack was Tortuga and that they stayed there most of the time. Confusion was evident in the creasing of his brows as he looked in the direction the pup motioned. Queen of Alacritis? That didn't sound right. As far as he knew, there was no one that ruled the entire region single handedly. There were many packs here that controlled their own pieces of territory, but none that reigned over the entire land. Could this pup just have a wild imagination?

Nice to meet your Artmemis. Looks like you have a pretty cool place to live in. He was cautious to stay away from the topic of her mother supposedly being queen, knowing that it was most likely not true, not wanting to upset the young babe with the knowledge that she was wrong. He had only just met her after all.

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