
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-05-2020, 08:00 PM

The scarred man was quiet as he listened to Yurei begin to explain what had brought her to this point. The tale she told of a family that didn't want her, that hated her for something she had no control over, that had kept her alive simply out of pity for her... It formed a knot in his stomach that grew into a seething anger. His jaw tightened with clenched teeth as he tried to keep himself sitting still as she went on and on about the horrible condition she had been born into and the terrible way they had treated her. He wanted to find them, the wolves that ruined her self confidence, and destroy each and every one of them. He wanted to take the vengeance that she clearly didn't have the strength to take for herself.

By the time she reached the point in her story where she had escaped when she had been able to he was furious to a point that he had never reached before. He was always so calm and logical in his emotions that this sort of blind rage was something that he didn't understand and wasn't sure how to comprehend. If he had any way of finding her family he would have seen to their deaths personally, but now all he could do was witness the broken woman they had caused. It wasn't until he saw the tears falling from her eyes that the anger was overshadowed by the worry and concern he felt for her. His ears fell back against his head as he discovered the one thing that would always break him - the sight of a woman crying.

"Please don't cry..." he said softly, a waver in his tone giving away how much it had affected him. He brought his paw toward her again, but this time he didn't try to lift her chin. This time he carefully brushed her cheek as he attempted to wipe away the tears under her eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." He wasn't entirely sure it was necessarily his fault that she was so upset, but he had been the one to question her on it so he felt at least a bit of blame. He wanted to shield her and protect her from anything like this ever happening again. He silently made it his personal mission to make sure that she never felt unwanted or hated again.

"You're not a problem or a failure. They had no right to make you feel that way." His tone was firm, making sure she knew that there was no doubt in that statement. He wasn't typically one to make any grand shows of affection - especially not with someone outside of his family - but he felt like he needed to. His whole body ached with the need to comfort her and it wasn't something that was going to go away until he was certain she was okay. He shifted closer to her till she was easily within reach and then wrapped his foreleg around her shoulders to pull her against his chest. He held her tightly there and carefully tucked his head over hers to completely block her off from the rest of the world for at least a brief moment. "Your fur is beautiful. You are beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. Your worth should never be determined by the opinions and beliefs of others."

"Talk" Think