
Hard headed boy versus bees

Aranea (spring skill prompt)

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

08-06-2020, 12:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2020, 12:44 AM by Nolan I.)

Wandering, curious paws brought him further into Boreas than he had dared to travel on his own before now and he was beginning to wonder just how far Boreas stretched. It felt like he could keep walking forever and never reach the other side of it. He had made a brief trip to the north with his mother to visit her friend there, but that had been a very focused trip and there had been little to know time to sight see along the way. He had also had his mother to give him a bit of guidance for which way they should go. This time he was completely on his own and had just picked a direction to go.

So far he had edged around to the borders of the desert, avoided the pack that resided to the east of Valhalla, passed through a prairie that seemed like it would be great for hunting, and had managed his way through a swamp. That ended up landing him in what seemed to be some kind of orchard with some very sore paws and tired legs. He flopped under one of the trees with a heavy sigh before actually beginning to take in his surroundings a bit. There were all kinds of different trees around here and if he wasn't mistaken they almost all seemed to be fruit trees. This would be an awesome place to visit once all the fruit started to grow! Maybe later in the year he could come back out here with Cairo and some of those bags that his friend had so they could collect some.

After laying there for a moment he noticed a bee flying past his nose and it made him jerk his head back nervously in response. The little black and yellow insect flew around him for a bit and then that's when Nolan began to realize that there wasn't just one of them. This thing had friends and his ears folded back when he saw the three or four of them that were floating in the air in his vicinity. Slowly, he lifted his head and realized that the tree he had flopped down under just so happened to have a large bee hive right above his head. That made him jump up immediately and jump away from where he had been laying, but the sudden movement startled the bees that had been lingering in the air near him. One of them landed on his cheek and the first sharp poke of a bee sting made him yelp.

He backed away quickly before any more could get him and he stood there glaring up at the hive. Stupid bees... He just wanted to lay under a tree and relax and they went and messed all that up. He was about to turn away and go lay somewhere with distinctly less bees, but now that he was looking at the hive and honey that was practically dripping out of it he suddenly was much more interested on getting a little revenge on the bees and maybe getting a taste of that honey too. Ideas started churning in his head, but he just couldn't decide which method to go with...

WC: 537/1500
