
Hard headed boy versus bees

Aranea (spring skill prompt)



7 Years
Chrono I

08-06-2020, 08:42 AM

Location: The Orchid
Every day was getting longer and it plagued Aranea with the growing brightness and the wolves of her pack seeing her out later and later, if they had even noticed. She was new to the pack and didn't know many of the wolves and in fact avoided them for the most part. She was a very kind spirit and of course if anyone called out to her or asked her for help she wouldn't hesitate to do so. But she had hurt so many people in her life, mainly herself, that her self esteem was at an all time low and it had been for quite some time.

She wandered still close to the pack lands, she was sure Torin could have been paying attention to her distant scent. But she was a healer and she promised to keep the dens in stock of the most important herbs, even if she wasn't labeled as such a rank. Anything to make her feel useful she guessed. She had made her way to the Orchid, realizing how close she had come to a neighboring pack and decided she should head back before she ran into any trouble. But before she went to turn and scurry back home, she saw the movement of a large brute shift in between the trees, his color nearly blending in to the surroundings. She was about to ignore him but she found a strong familiar scent on him, she had recognized the pack scent from others in Lirim, including Torin. She saw that he was looking up and eyeing something in the trees, and she knew rather quickly what he had run into. A number of wolves babbled about their victories of the bees and the tasty snack or help of the sticky substance to help apply different herbs to wounds. So by then she wouldn't waste any time to venture over to him.

She'd join him at a safe distance at first, not wanting to startle him. But he was much bigger than she was and he was sure to attack and hurt her easily compared to what she could do to him. She only hoped the familiar scent wasn't wrong and that the packs were in fact friendly with each other. "Did you get stung?" She'd ask, facing the side of his face where just a little swelling grew from his surprise attack. Honestly she could almost chuckle to it but she wouldn't. She was never in the spirits to laugh or feel joy any more.

She'd look up to the large hive, a few hives resided in the area. "You know," her neck slowly turned to face him and would step in closer to him if he allowed, "They say the honey is worth the fight." If anything a small grin to the corner of her maw. "Are you up for the task?" Just a little joke, but she would go off to a nearby tree without the buzzing hives to grab a couple sticks before returning to him. She wasn't much of a crafter and she had only heard the stories of others and how they conquered the bees. Was she eavesdropping? Was that rude? No matter, they'd never know.

She'd lay down both the sticks and pick up one with her mouth to put it in a cross fashion, both sticks were strong enough to withstand her weight but certainly not his. She pushed the top stick closer to the end of the bottom one before putting both her front paws on the stick and rolling slightly back and forth in order to make friction and eventually create enough to get the stick smoking and hot at the end. She'd look back up at the brute, "I'm not quite tall enough to reach." She stated, "Most of the bees will leave the hive from the smoke, then we can knock the hive down and deal with the rest." Surely the brute would run into some trouble in the process, and once they opened up the hive the queen and a few more of the bees would reside inside. They would just have to take each step as it came.

Total WC: 1,234

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead