
Hard headed boy versus bees

Aranea (spring skill prompt)

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

08-06-2020, 05:31 PM

The sound of footsteps made his ears twitch and it pulled his pale pink gaze away from the subject of his irritation and curiosity so that he could look at the small woman that had approached him. He looked at her with surprise since he hadn't noticed her presence until she was practically right next to him. Of course she didn't seem like any sort of threat and he was pretty sure that the scent of the pack that lingered on her was one that was friends with Valhalla. He really didn't know much about pack politics or anything like that, but he did know that there was a pack nearby to his that they were friendly with and he was fairly certain it was the one she smelled like.

When she questioned whether he had been stung or not he frowned as his ears folded back and gave a grumpy, "Yes," in response. His cheek felt a bit tender from it and he was sure it was going to be all swollen before it was all said and done. He pouted a bit about it until she mentioned that the honey would be worth the fight if he was up for it. He raised a brow at the stranger and looked back up at the hive that he had been so closely examining before. Well perhaps if she had some kind of plan... Yeah... Yeah, I'm up for it!" By the time he looked back at her she was already off collecting something for the task and he waited as he watched her collecting a few sticks from the surrounding trees.

His head tipped to the side with curiosity as he watched her rubbing the sticks together, not quite understanding what she was up to until he saw the smoke beginning to form. The realization crossed his face as she explained that the smoke would make the bees leave the hive and a grin crossed his face. So that's how they would get to the honey! He was really glad this woman had happened to cross paths with him! He never would have guessed that in a million years. "You can leave the reaching to me," he joked with a chuckle, glad that his ridiculous hight would actually come in handy for once. Whenever she had the stick good and smokey with a small ember glowing at the end, he reached down and took the opposite end of it between his jaws, holding it a bit like a torch.

Walking over to where he had originally been under the hive, he turned his head and pointed the smokey end of the stick up toward the hive, letting the smoke it was producing billow up around the hive. From the angle his head was at it was hard for him to see what was happening so he just did his best to point the stick directly at the hive and waited for further instructions. He could at least see some bees drifting off into the distance, but he couldn't tell how effective it was from his perspective.

Total WC: 1751
