
Where Flowers Bloom




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-06-2020, 07:56 PM

Movements are uncertain as she moves towards the garden’s owner. She wants to be confident, to be able to move toward the big wolf with poise and grace but this Meadow, after all. It takes all her focus not to trip and fall on face as she moves toward him. When he looks at her, Meadow’s eyes widen and she pulls to a halt. His questioning hello has her mouth moving but no words are forth coming. Kicking herself mentally, she closes her mouth and bows her head in great respect to him. He remains on his belly and is somewhat closer to her height and that helps ease come of her anxiety.

Still, it takes a few moments for her to get enough courage to speak and, when she starts, the words spill out, fast and furious in their fervor to be heard, “Hello! My name is Meadow. I am Resin’s little sister and Iolaire’s aunt. I don’t mean to bother you but I wanted to tell you how much I love your garden. The flowers are beautiful and I have wanted to talk to for a while. Flowers are really special to me too and I am a learning to be healer as well. By the way, your plants look very happy.” Casting her eyes around to take in all the plants that make up his garden, a joy-filled smile appears on her lips.

However, when she looks back to the big wolf, Meadow realizes she is doing it again, saying too much too quickly. Oh dear, she is extremely excitable and, when she meets a new wolf, her nerves always get the best of her. This time, she makes sure to slow her words down and try not to overwhelm him. “I am sorry. I have a really bad habit of talking too much.” Ducking her head for a moment and pulling her ears back in shame, she looks away from him is embarrassment. After a few minutes, she dares to look back at him and offers, “I... brought you seeds... for your garden.” Her stance is still submissive but a small, warm smile flits across her features as she hopes that her gift of seeds will be enough to allow her to stay.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm