
Echos in the silence




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-06-2020, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2020, 08:01 PM by Casso.)

Her fears and anxieties rolled out into the air and he continued to hold her as he listened to each and every one. He felt helpless and powerless to fix the things that plagued her and he hated it. He wanted to fix everything, to make it so she never had a reason to cry, but he didn't know how. All he could do was hold her quietly against his chest and listen as she described how the sight of others living happy lives hurt her and how the memories of others tormenting her still gave her nightmares. His embrace tightened around her as her tears came again in full force and only got more intense as her feelings built upon themselves. His ears fell back against his skull while his mind searched desperately for a solution to give her. This wasn't a physical being that he could hunt and kill. This was emotional trauma that fully escaped the realm of what he was capable of dealing with.

"Just support her. Support her and help her heal." A voice in his mind, a different voice from the one that usually taunted and belittled him. A voice that reminded him of his mother. The voice that had to constantly push past the shouts and violent jabs of everyone else that stirred in his mind.

But how?! A question that would get no answer. The voices shouted what they wanted at him, but there was no conversation there. It never mattered how much he wanted answers from them, they never gave them to him. He was quiet for a while, simply letting her cry while he searched for something to say. Eventually he lifted his head from where it was resting over hers so that he could peer down at her with thoughtful concern. Nothing he could say felt right. In reality he knew there was nothing he could say to fix all of the hurt she had gone through, at least not right away, but that didn't stop him from wanting to protect her. That didn't stop him from wanting to do everything he could to repair the broken woman he was currently holding possessively against his chest.

"Let me help you," he said when he finally spoke. His voice was quiet and thick with emotion - emotion that he wasn't used to letting himself feel. "You can stay with me at night so that I can make sure the nightmares don't bother you any more. I can be with you during the day so that whenever you feel sad I can help you smile again. I can protect you so you don't feel afraid." There was no logical reason for him to want to do all of these things. He had only ever cared about his family - no one else had ever mattered. She had somehow changed that in an instant. He brought his paw to her cheek again to wipe away more of the tears that had collected there with a surprising amount of gentleness. "You could be mine. I can make you part of my family."

"Talk" Think