



08-31-2013, 04:46 PM

OOC: i hope it is okay if i tossed canttina in here! it said aw! <3
The behemoth laid within her den. Her home was within the odd contraption. She resided within the middle of the beast. Her fur was fickle with pellets of snow. Her bones were chilled to the core, but not the least uncomfortable. Canttina enjoyed the chilling north. She hated the heat. Her fur was to thick for the heat. But, today would be a day to remember. Two invaders filled her home's caverns. She sensed them right away. They clickity clacking of claws and heavy breathing. The demon curled into the shadows and heard them. The echos were not loud, but she remained extremely quiet. Her breathing was smooth and silent. Her eyes were close, her ears perked, and nose tingling. The woman waited.

She heard the pawsteps of a fae fill her ears. The woman grinned, her eyes remained closed. She heard as the fellow femme exit the room Canttina was in and enter the next. She lost the second set of paws, so maybe it stopped? She was confused but let her sunny orbs flutter into sight. She got up and rolled her achey shoulders. The mahogany woman was a shadow within the night. Holes on the sides of the odd thing let moon light peek in. She avoided the Goddesses rays as she slithered behind the other fae. The scent of a male filled her cold nose as she let forth a little giggle. A ravaged tongue slithered across her jagged muzzle. Canttina waited for a reaction behind her little giggle. She sat down and watched the woman without a movement. She felt another body within the room but did not bother a glance.

table by trigger